Teterin Engineering’s name is synonymous with the highest standards of safety, quality and customer service.

Our consistently high standards are attributed to a company culture of constant employee engagement, listening and learning from each other and leadership. Every Teterin employee is encouraged to participate in making Teterin a great place to work.

This culture and leadership from our employees has produced real pride of workmanship amongst our team, so it was a fitting honour for Teterin to be invited by Rotary Newcastle to nominate an employee who best represented Pride of Workmanship at Teterin. Our very deserving nominee was Mr Ryan Field, our Engineering Workshop Supervisor.

Ryan was nominated for his energy, commitment to quality, his pride of workmanship and leadership qualities. Ryan places great importance on developing interpersonal relationships and getting the highest standards of work done through people.

We are delighted to announce that in a shortlisted field of nominees including from six other companies, Ryan was chosen to receive the Rotary Newcastle Pride of Workmanship Award for 2022.

“Teterin invariably receives glowing praise and plaudits from customers for the quality of work, the professionalism and pride of workmanship displayed by Ryan for our customers. Well done Ryan Field and thank you for your strong and selfless commitment to Teterin Engineering!”

Peter Burgess – Managing Director, Teterin Engineering