Teterin has recently passed a safety milestone of which the company is extremely proud. On Friday 2 July 2021 Teterin recorded 7 years without a lost time injury!

The occasion was marked with a special lunchtime BBQ held to thank every one of Teterin’s staff whose daily conduct at work is focussed on keeping themselves safe at work and ensuring the safety of their fellow workers.

Peter Burgess, Managing Director of the Teterin Group companies, addressed the workforce at the BBQ on this significant milestone.

“The safety culture which has developed at Teterin and contributed to this remarkable achievement is a direct result of the personal attention by our staff to the safe work practices and the safety procedures adopted for the company. These 7 years without a lost time injury has been a remarkable achievement as every day we are all exposed to the risks and dangers of working in an environment involving heavy equipment and rotating machinery”.

Peter Burgess – Managing Director, Teterin Engineering

The previous record experienced by Teterin for number of days without a lost time injury was 453 days (1 year 4 months).

In his address to staff, Peter Burgess reminded the team that complacency is our greatest risk and announced the company will be conducting a thorough objective review of its safety processes and procedures to ensure they remain relevant and current for today’s safety work standards.

The safety culture at Teterin is only matched by the Teterin staff’s commitment to quality and on-time delivery.

The Teterin Safety Culture is not about records, it is to keep Teterin’s workforce safe and injury free at work.